Sony has today confirmed the lineup of PS5, PS4, and Classic games coming to PS Plus Extra and PS Plus Premium for March 2025. There are 12 titles in total, and all will be available from Tuesday, 18th March. Here's the complete list:
PS Plus Extra: March 2025
- UFC 5 (PS5)
- Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown (PS5, PS4) | Review
- Captain Tsubasa: Rise of New Champions (PS4) | Review
- Mobile Suit Gundam Battle Operation Code Fairy (PS5, PS4)
- Arcade Paradise (PS5, PS4) | Review
- Bang-On Balls: Chronicles (PS5, PS4)
- You Suck at Parking (PS5, PS4)
- Syberia: The World Before (PS5, PS4)
PS Plus Premium: March 2025
- Arcade Paradise VR (PSVR2)
- Armored Core (PS1)
- Armored Core: Project Phantasma (PS1)
- Armored Core: Master of Arena (PS1)
[source blog.playstation.com]
Comments 85
Boo, not a great month
Prince of Persia The Lost Crown is enough for me.
Yeah I think I am going to switch to essential ps+ once my current sub ends. This service will have 1 good month followed by 3 subpar months
Armored Core preservation is cool! Hopefully they port the PS2 entries as well.
That's a pathetic month prince of persia is good the rest are awful I think ps plus essential is good but for the extra money compared to gamepass these games are a joke it's insultingly bad
Happy about Prince Of Persia, been wanting to play that for a while now. Everything else not really interesting me.
I was gonna say that I'll give Prince of Persia a go, but I still have Tales of Kenzera on my console and I haven't played that yet, so I need to hit that one first.
If I wanted to play Bang-On Balls, I’d pull up my favorite dirty flick. ba dum ta
Excellent - Prince of Persia was on my 'want to play' list and Arcade Paradise was in my 'must buy sometime' list - so I'm happy with them two alone.
Also happy to see the armored core games getting some attention, though with my backlog its hard to see I'll have th time for them
Prince of Persia alone makes it worth it!
The classics collection on premium really doesn't update enough. Really poor for the amount of money we pay.
Prince of Persia is nice. Never played those old Armored Cores but I'm assuming they didn't age well.
I played Arcade Paradise for a bit and it had me doing laundry cleaning floors and toilets. I figured it'd get better but I didn't feel like going through the chores first. What a bizarre decision the developers made.
@BolkaRover I think essential is good the 3 games a month but extra and premium are a complete waste of money
If you like armoured core, good news. Less you have them already
I must say that getting DA: Veilguard on essential was a genuine scoop. I had my reservation and found the game hard to adjust to, but now I agree fully with the 8/10 awarded to it. Great game AND a great Dragon Age game. Only 24 per cent of all players made it to the chapter I am at. It is a damn shame they didn't land the start of Veilguard a little better because that almost threw me off.
If I had Premium and Extra I would love to try Prince of Persia and Armored Core games.
Good gaming👍
Classic Armored Core PS1 games finally! Been waiting for them since the SoP announcement
Being able to sream Prince of Persia on the Portal makes this month a win as far as I'm concerned.
Prince of Persia is easily a 9/10. Maybe a 10.
Damn I brought Prince of persia late last year I should have just waited too late now had the same thing when I brought Dave the diver on switch
Another terrible month for for me (classics).
Still waiting for the ratchet and clank ports
Weird I just came from Reddit where the reception to these is pretty positive. Well whatever this is a good month for me.
Already own Prince of Persia, so nothing for me this month. The essential games were good though, so still a good month.
Not a bad month, but there isn’t anything on the list that I want to play. I’ve already beaten Prince of Persia and got the platinum, and I strongly urge anyone who is interested in the franchise and Metroidvania’s to give it a try. It’s really excellent.
I’ve wanted to play Prince of Persia so I’ll at least give that one a go other than that a pretty weak month outside of my slight curiosity of Captain Tsubasa.
Bang on balls (terrible name) is a brilliant 3d platformer if you havent played it 👍
The god of war remasters must be real since they didn't include any gow games in premium on its 20th anniversary month.
Just Prince of Persia for me. Btw wasn't that 2nd chapter of Lost Records supposed to be released on PS extra this month?
Arcade Paradise and PoP looks interesting. Might try the football game with my son.
Not a bad month for me.
Prince of Persia, hell yes
Prince of Persia is awesome, please try it if you have any interest at all, easily the best game of 2024 IMO.
Arcade Paradise is great fun (VR is also fun) but Captain Tsubasa is the big win for me, I have a sealed copy in my back log that can now stay sealed
@naruball fair point it is a slow starter but you do eventually get to employ someone to do all the cleaning and laundry for you and you get to just play the cabinets each day. Some games are t*ss as you will know but some are equally great, the wood chopping one and the Zombie shooting one being my favourites!
@get2sammyb friend of mine who is a big fan of FromSoft usually says their old stuff, particularly King’s Field, Cookie and Cream and Armored Core, still play pretty well.
Prince of Persia The Lost Crown is an outstanding game and was severely underrated IMO.
Fairly happy with this. Arcade Paradise has been on my PSVR2 wishlist for a while so will finally give it a go! Also Prince of Persia is an awesome game for anyone who hasn't already played it
Not Pop-ping off.. 🙃 (slang)
Finger crossed April fool essentials would get similar treatment while/and Extra being better.
Can't wait for the next poll on monthly gacha tolerance, as always~ 😏
I already bought PoP: Lost Crown, but haven't gotten around to it... and you know what? I don't care, I was happy to support the team and the genre at full price, but my backlog is so long. Soon.
Prince of Persia is great.
I didn't realise Syberia was still going, has anyone given this a go? I played the first one on PC a loooooooong time ago and really enjoyed it. Quite fancy a slower paced game.
PoP is a fantastic game. A mate borrowed it before I finished it, and never gave it back (the bugger), so I'll get to roll the credits.
I bought Prince of Persia for £17 in a sale and have no regrets even though I could have got it for free if I waited. The game is so damn good.
Elsewhere not much, but I've heard good things about Arcade Paradise so will check that out.
PoP is so good! Maybe this game got harmed by being published by Ubisoft.
Everyone who has never played a proper full-scale Metroidvania and is not afraid of getting lost, try this!
Few games I wanted to try, UFC 5 I'll probably get into. For anybody who hasn't already played/beat it, PoP is an awesome game, very underappreciated.
@naruball You always have to do your chores before you can play your games! 🤣
Yep almost bought Prince of Persia a few weeks back, very happy about that. Not sure about the rest but hey ho
OK even I have to admit this is a crap month, probably the worst month since I've been subscribed to Extra/Premium. Literally nothing I want to play or even enticed to try.
I will stay subbed to Premium though as I like to stream games on the Portal, hopefully they ditch the Premium requirement for that soon though so I can go back down to Extra.
So not great, but we've had a great run since the beginning of the year and i have a PS Plus backlog to add to my add to my other backlog. There are some hidden gems in last month's Extra - Somerville is great.
Prince of Persia is actually really good - i bought it on launch for Switch, so if you havent played it, youve got one of Ubisoft's best titles for the last few years, and not a radio tower in sight.
@Titntin haha! All I ask is for some escapism!
It triggered painful memories from my military service, so I immediately gave up on it.
Enough of the Ubisoft Classics, I just want Ubisoft+ to come to PS. It's been almost 2 years since the service dropped on Xbox.
I see a lot of people complaining, as usual, but I am actually satisfied. Prince Of Persia will be added to my backlog now.
Once I finish playing both Jedi: Survivor and Split Fiction which I just started last weekend, this is next.
Prince of Persia’s a great get for the service. Will the Armored Core games save transfer? I played them all emulated last year and enjoyed them.
UFC and Prince of Persia, 2 more games on my wish list! Great month.
I almost bought Prince of persia recently so this is a bonus..looking forwards to Tuesday..
Everyone should play bang on balls. It's one of the best "dumb" games out there.
Very happy another psvr 2 game, prince of Persia and ufc 5 i wanted a fighting game but didnt like undisputed going by the trial.
A VR game makes it a good month always.
Why are we never getting Jak 2 and Jak 3? Where are they, How long do we have to wait?
@BolkaRover all of about £2 on top of extra
@Bamila may give that a go actually. Didn't notice that but watched trailer for it now and I think I'll give it some time
@Bamila that name 😆
Glad I didn't buy Prince of Persia now. They kept putting it on sale month after month. Guess waiting paid off.
Ufc will be mindless fun. Wonder if the parking game is funny
Will check out You Suck at Parking and Arcade Paradise. PoP is awesome, was one of my favorite 2024 releases by a mile.
Just platinum’d Prince Of Persia yesterday! Best platformer I’ve ever played! Too bad it flopped like it did.
@JonnyAces Prince Of Persia: The Lost Crown is the best platformer I’ve ever played! You’re gonna love it!
@dBackLash lost records is next month
I'm very happy with prince of persia. arcade paradise I've heard good things about too, so those two are just about sufficient offerings for me.
however, it does feel like a big title is missing this month, almost like something was pulled from the lineup last minute and not replaced.
Old armoured core games coming to the service makes sense with sony's investment into fromsoft, expect we'll see the new armoured core on there too in the coming months.
@darkswabber kings field wow!!! The precursor to Demons Souls…
@BolkaRover the classics refresh literally the same frequency as extra and essential. I.E once a month. If you're suggesting not enough is added. You pay about an additional £1.50 a month for the premium.
@nessisonett R&C Size Matters and Secret Agent Clank didn’t support save transfer so sadly I doubt it.
Another good month for me. Dang I'm spoiled.
Not much for me here, but the PoP game is a good get. It’s been universally praised, and even liked by players who aren’t really into metroidvanias. Still, I have many other games that will draw my attention, but it’s a good one to have sitting there just in case.
@darkswabber That’s beyond rubbish. Part of what I loved about the PS1 games was taking my mech across them and getting more powerful as the new parts were introduced. And I had to take about 5 minutes effort to transfer the saves on PC when it was much simpler on an actual console!
thanks https://epngame.com/oyun/valorant/valorant-points-tr
Ok list, POP Lost Crown is good I just haven't played much of it.
Armoured Core games on there is nice to see.
Syberia remake/remaster is ok I guess but I just got the 3 games in classics version on Switch on 1 cart. I have 3 on Xbox One as I got it randomly. Point and click vary of quality though. I am in no way familiar with the series I only came across it by 3 randomly one day. So a remake is fine but I mean.... Sure...
Bang On Balls seemed cool 'at first' besides imagining what it could be, but to me is kind of weak, even an anime girl dragon game I saw on the PSN store yesterday was the most 'insert cute character, have generic spin move for tail on enemies/levers and basic jumps' wow how pathetic about the character design has more effort put in and the gameplay is pathetically dull.
When even Marble Maid which is just a fan service monkey ball game has even more to it's animations and mechanics or HUD details even if a bit familiar moves it has it's differences still from monkeyball or other games of it's type. Even if the obvious Sonic CD like leg movement and on the spot dash. I'll give it a slight pass even if yeah it's not that original it stands out enough.
Even Samuari Maidens as well I found the VN scenes janky as ever besides how Senran Kagura's dress up animations are used in the VN scenes and well but SM's are so over done it was so strange yet the gameplay is more refined then SK. XD Was weird for me to see that difference yesterday.
Why is it the artists for Indies put more effort in the programmers/animators/designers do the bare minimum to make it work it's so stupid and boring game design from Indies every time. XD
Even Smiley War as a flash game 3rd person shooter is more impressive then this of how you move/weapons and gear are pressed and that's 2D.
De Blob looks and acts better.
Even Unbox was better then this as a platformer, annoying to play but worked around it even if was just a generic Banjo clone of tasks that were ok.... but the game just was so awkward by world 2 or 3 to progress in some tasks. Not so much for the box movement but the tasks themselves design.
Probably even Skully I think to get the most out of the form the character is not a ball and weapons/whatever in Bang On (more Crash of the Titans or different I haven't played it yet)..... basically making the form of the balls a gimmick/visible so why bother making them a ball to customise, it's stupid.
That's like making Rayman the same as everyone else but drawn as such, no functionality at all just looked off, yet Rayman is designed to take advantage of his no arms because they weren't great at drawing arms, they made it a gameplay thing not just visible gap only. But again this is old game design something Indies just suck at doing more then the bare minimum. Their skills aside they are lazy to put a minor spin and do something, only bare minimum.
Even Plok I assume similar just limp throwing. Sigh, certain limp based games exist like Never Dead or some Indies but a ball that does nothing with it is just stupid missed opportunity.
@Gremio108 my cousin bought Prince Of Persia: The Lost Crown… YESTERDAY! No kidding!
@EfYI I was one of those who couldn’t get past Chapter 1. The opening threw me off with too much exposition, lots of telling rather than showing, and a generally hand-holdy approach. While I can appreciate that, on its own merits, it might be a good game, it felt like too much of a departure from the dark, immersive storytelling that defines Dragon Age’s history. For many long-time fans, I think that tonal shift was a difficult adjustment.
Ron, I get you. 100 per cent. And it is the government's fault. You are in a safe space.
I think the game rewards you for pushing through. I had issues adjusting to every iteration of Dragon Age and all of them kind of made me a believer in the end. That is not to say I can refute every grievance with this game, but what a game to land in essential tier!
I'm one of the people who bought Lost Crown recently to ensure it would come to the catalogue immediately. You're welcome, guys.
Prince of Persia and Syberia are for me. If you've never played Syberia, please play that series for the love of god.
@naruball I adored Arcade Paradise's laundry simulator. Have been wishing for a developer to just recreate that bit. Horses for courses!
Prince of Persia and Arcade Paradise VR make it worth while. I may try Armoured Core but the older games do tend to be a bit janky unless you already have that nostalgia tie in.
I'm actually really interested in that Gundam game. Never heard of it.
@EfYI can I ask when Veilguard really picked up for you?
I’m a leftie snowflake etc. kinda dude, so I wasn’t put off by the ‘politics’ if people want to call diversity that. But found the characters and story just bland and predictable after 20-ish hours.
I hadn’t got all the characters yet, I haven’t met Taash, Emmrich not sure about Davrin. I’ll go back to it at some point, but not in a rush atm
Not a bad month. I didn't even know that Syberia game existed!
When I got an achievement for ... like part 4 or 5 I stopped autoskipping and speedrunning and started to pay attention. I still 'rush' but the game allows for 'rushing'. Just jump as close to where your goal is and if the dialogue starts out bad or bland, just skip it.
At some point the art style and vistas of the game started speaking more to me - in the start I found myself in what I likened to an AI-generated hellscape of a game.
@EfYI that’s similar to how I felt, so it’s great to hear it did click for you later on. It’s ‘free’ now, so I’ll dip back in and rush a bit instead of exploring every nook and cranny for hours.
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